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Transversal Management Master-Class Event Videos
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Transversal Management Master-Class
This masterclass followed on from the successful hosting of the Leading Change learning event.
Through experience, research and consultation, the CSP has identified a number of tools and techniques to build transversal intelligence and muscle. For this three-day masterclass, seven tools have been chosen for detailed exploration, teaching and application.This masterclass followed on from the successful hosting of the Leading Change learning event.
Through experience, research and consultation, the CSP has identified a number of tools and techniques to build transversal intelligence and muscle. For this three-day masterclass, seven tools have been chosen for detailed exploration, teaching and application.
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Transversal Management Master-Class
Partnering and the MOU, Amanda Gcanga
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Transversal Management Master-Class
Leading Collaboration in Cornubia, Beryl Khanyile
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Transversal Management Master-Class
Meetings with no agenda, Keith Cloete
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