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[panel panel-style="transparent" title="COVID-19" link-text="Show%20All" title-size="18px" separator-color="primary-light" separator-size="1px"]Cities around the world, in parallel with disaster response efforts, are trying to find ways to mitigate the impact on COVID 19 and associated lockdowns.
Summaries are provided of both economic responses by cities around the world, and South African support measures that have been announced, covering the three spheres of government, business, and civil society. Sites that are tracking support measures are also included.
[panel panel-style="transparent" title="Responses%20to%20Mitigate%20the%20Impacts%20of%20COVID-19" link-text="Show%20All" title-size="18px" separator-style="none"]
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[panel panel-style="transparent" title="Contribute" link-text="Show%20All" title-size="18px" separator-color="primary-light" separator-size="1px"]If you would like to share information on South African economic support measures, particularly at a city level, please fill out the questionnaire
Email information on the support such as a summary, document, presentation or link with the information required below:
1. Intervention type (only pick one per item)
- Small business support
- Tax and levy relief/delay for businesses
- Task force/partnerships
- Transport
- Advisory/Information
- Budget transfer/re-purpose
- Platform for donations/volunteering
- Procurement
- Production of essential goods
- Rent relief/delay
- Worker compensation support
- Other
2. Sphere / Roleplayer type (only pick one per item)
- National government
- Provincial government
- City government
- Business
- Civil Society
- Other
3. Organisation name
4. Intervention description
5. Eligibility / Beneficiaries (if specified)
6. Email / Website
7. Telephone
8. Source (link)